Who We Are

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The Italy-Connecticut Journal of International and Comparative Business Law will inform, educate, engage and connect lawyers in Rome and Hartford by creating a forum for members of both legal communities to share ideas, connect with each other, share professional experiences, and enrich their careers.

The Journal is not published regularly. It is open to lawyers of the two bar associations who, anytime, can publish contributes or news of common interest.

All opinions, statements, and conclusions expressed in submitted articles appearing in the Journal represent the views of the respective authors and do not necessarily carry the endorsement of the Ordine Avvocati di Roma (Rome Bar Association) or the Hartford County Bar Association or their respective Board of Directors


Published by:


Avv. Antonino Galletti

Presidente del Consiglio dell Ordine degli Avvocati di Roma


Jennifer E. Wheelock, Esq.

President, Hartford County Bar Association

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Avv. Andrea Pontecorvo

Counselor Ordine Avvocati Di Roma (Vice-Chair)


Janice Ambruso

Executive Director Hartford County Bar Association (Vice-Chair)


Avv. Francesco Salimbeni

Executive Editor


P.J. Cimini, Esq.

Executive Editor